Tooth Extractions Spring

Removing Troubled Teeth to Ensure a Problem-Free Future

Woman with a toothbrush holding her cheek in pain before tooth extractions in Spring

If you’ve been informed that one (or more) of your teeth need to be extracted, it’s natural to be a little concerned. That said, you have nothing to worry about – tooth extraction is only performed on teeth that threaten the rest of one’s dental health. By removing decayed, damaged, impacted, or otherwise troubled teeth, our team can help you to smile healthily and happily for the foreseeable future. To learn more about tooth extractions in Spring and when they become necessary, feel free to give our team a call.

Why Choose Spring Creek Dentistry for Tooth Extractions?

  • Same-Day Emergency Appointments
  • Board-Certified Oral Surgeon on Staff
  • Wisdom Teeth Extractions Available

When Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

Forceps holding an extracted tooth

Remember, we will only suggest tooth extraction if there’s no other feasible way of saving the teeth in question. Here are a few situations that warrant this:

  • The tooth is damaged or decayed beyond repair and a filling, crown, or other type of restoration won’t suffice.
  • Gum disease has compromised the gum tissue surrounding the tooth, causing it to loosen.
  • A tooth has become impacted, which means it’s unable to properly erupt. This is often the case with wisdom teeth.