TMJ Treatment Spring

Alleviating Jaw Pain at Its Origin

Person holding the sides of their jaw in pain before T M J treatment in Spring

Your temporomandibular joints (TMJ), which connect your jawbones to the rest of your skull, are some of the most complex joints in your whole body. They grant your mouth a wide range of motion and ensure that you’re able to bite, chew, and speak without complications. However, these joints are unfortunately subject to various types of problems, many of which can discomfort and even cause damage to the teeth. Luckily, our team can treat a wide range of these issues with personalized TMJ treatment solutions. To learn more or to schedule an appointment for yourself or a loved one, contact our Spring dental office today.

Why Choose Spring Creek Dentistry for TMJ Treatment?

  • Skilled Dental Staff with Years of Experience
  • Customized Treatment Solution for Every Patient
  • Dental Insurance Accepted and Financing Available

Xeomin® Injections for TMJ Treatment

Dentist giving a patient an injection in their jaw for T M J treatment

Most symptoms associated with TMJ disorder, like jaw pain caused by overworked muscles and spasms, can be treated with Xeomin, a different brand of Botox shown to provide enhanced results. In most cases, the discomfort associated with this condition isn’t a direct cause of the temporomandibular joints themselves, but because of the muscles on both sides of the face, called the masseters and temporalis muscles. When Xeomin is injected into these areas, it can help these muscles relax and release, easing their strain, preventing unconscious clenching grinding, and taking pressure off the jaw joints.