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Root Canals

We know root canals have earned a bad rap over the years, but the truth is, with advances in modern dentistry, root canals are a fairly routine and painless procedure. If you have a tooth that is infected within the tooth pulp or tooth root, you may require a root canal. Use of antibiotics and type of anesthesia will vary on a case by case basis. Your Spring dentists, Dr. Oakley, Dr. Henley, and Dr. Miller go in and remove the infection, sterilize and fill the chamber to prevent further infection, and seal the tooth with a crown. See now that wasn’t so bad, was it?

Dr. Daryl Henley has over 40 years of experience doing root canals.

Learn about why someone may need a root canal, and how it’s treated. If you need a root canal, you can be confident you’re in the best hands at Spring Creek Dentistry!


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